Baby who weighed 16 pounds in 1983 is now an adult and still known for his huge size

In 1983, Patricia Clarke welcomed Kevin Robert Clark, a baby weighing over 16 pounds, possibly the largest in New Jersey. Kevin’s size garnered national attention, landing him spots on shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America”.

As Kevin grew, so did his stature. By junior high, he stood at 6 feet 5 inches. Now 39, he reaches an impressive 6 feet 9 inches. Despite his remarkable height, Kevin maintains a humorous outlook, often joking about his stature.

Kevin’s life journey has been marked by handling curiosity about his size with grace. He’s a former military man, happily married to a wife who stands at 6 feet tall, and shares his life with their Great Dane.

His story serves as an inspiration to embrace individuality and navigate life with humor and confidence. Despite the attention, Kevin remains grounded and content, appreciating the experiences and opportunities his unique stature has afforded him. As he continues his journey, Kevin’s resilience and positivity inspire others to embrace their differences and live authentically.

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