A plumber from Liverpool is gaining online fame for his altruistic mission: providing free plumbing services to elderly and vulnerable individuals in his community. Recognizing that these groups often hesitate to seek assistance, the plumber, James, is determined to offer “free plumbing for life” to those in need. He emphasizes the importance of communities looking out for each other, stating, “We need to be a human race.”
James, despite his internet stardom, attributes his actions to a collective effort within the community. While acknowledging the positive attention, he humbly refuses sole credit, expressing that it makes him feel “human, humble, and a little giddy inside.” The plumber’s ultimate goal is to expand his initiative, known as Depher, nationwide, with offers of support pouring in from other plumbers.
Inspired by James’s story, a fellow plumber, Bruce Drury, commended him, revealing his own experiences of providing discounted or free services to the elderly. Drury applauds James for setting a commendable example within the challenging and sometimes perilous plumbing profession.