Celine Dion, a beloved Canadian singer, has disappointed her fans by canceling her Las Vegas shows due to health issues. Her team revealed that she is suffering from severe muscle spasms, preventing her from performing and participating in rehearsals. A family member of the artist expressed concern, stating that Celine is experiencing debilitating leg pain, extreme weight loss, and her symptoms are worse than expected. Celine herself apologized to her fans, saying, “I’m extremely sorry for disappointing all of the fans who made plans to come to Las Vegas.”
The 50-year-old singer, who weighs just 40 kilograms, is facing a rare hereditary condition causing muscle degeneration, leading to painful crises and tetany. She’s unable to move or even get out of bed, raising worries about her ability to perform on stage. Fans have been concerned about Celine’s health since the death of her spouse in 2016, and tabloids have speculated about her having an “incurable ailment” that could affect her voice.