Luke Thill, a remarkable 13-year-old from Iowa, defied conventional teenage pursuits to build his dream house in his own backyard, all for the cost of an iPhone. His unconventional endeavor attracted laughter from friends initially, but once inside, they were astounded.
Luke’s motivation to create his house is rooted in a burning desire, elaborated on his YouTube channel, where he documented the entire project. With meticulous planning, research, and a year of fundraising, which involved mowing lawns and fundraisers, he secured the necessary funds and materials. He also received help with the electrical work in exchange for helping a neighbor clean their garage.
The ingenious part of Luke’s project is that it is 75% constructed from recycled and leftover materials, with a front door gifted by his uncle. The house measures 89 square feet, 10 feet in length, and approximately 5.5 feet wide. It lacks plumbing but has electricity, offering a minimalist living experience without a hefty mortgage.
Luke’s parents provided support, but his father emphasized the importance of Luke financing most of it himself, teaching valuable life lessons. The house, equipped with a microwave, TV, loft with a bed, and even a barbecue, serves as Luke’s sanctuary and homework haven. He aims to inspire others to pursue their dreams, regardless of age, demonstrating that it’s possible to build at a young age.