Robert De Niro, a Hollywood icon, known for two Oscars, has led a successful yet private life. His 21-year marriage to Grace Hightower ended in 2018. Recent revelations suggest De Niro is working tirelessly to support Hightower’s extravagant lifestyle.
In Hollywood, actors often marry within the industry. De Niro’s personal life, however, took a different path. After an early interest in cinema, he pursued acting, mentored by Stella Adler.
De Niro’s career took off with films like “The Godfather: Part II,” where he won an Oscar. He married twice, first to Diahnne Abbott, and later to Grace Hightower. He also dated model Toukie Smith, with whom he had twins.
His marriage with Hightower began modestly and included their son, Elliot, who has autism. Despite a brief divorce filing in 1999, they reconciled, renewing their vows in 2004. Their daughter Helen was born in 2011. However, their marriage ended in 2018.
The divorce settlement details aren’t public, but De Niro’s lawyer claims he’s struggling to meet Hightower’s lavish spending, partly due to the pandemic’s impact on his businesses. De Niro’s lawyer argues that he shouldn’t be forced to work at this pace. Hightower’s lawyer disagrees, citing De Niro’s wealth.
The outcome of this legal battle remains uncertain.