In a heart-wrenching incident, Riona, a gentle pitbull mix, was set on fire by her owner in Nutbush, Tennessee. Witnesses confirmed this horrifying act, describing the smell of gas that surrounded her. Mallory Mclemore of Bluff City Veterinary Specialists said, “She was burnt and covered in diesel fuel.” A neighbor’s ring cam footage even showed Riona engulfed in flames.
Riona’s story went viral on TikTok, garnering worldwide sympathy. Tails of Hope Dog Rescue provided updates on her recovery, and people sent in donations and gifts. Meanwhile, Quishon Brown, the alleged perpetrator, faced charges for this horrific act.
Over the months, Riona’s condition slowly improved. And now, almost a year later, there’s an uplifting update – Riona is going to her new forever home. Tails of Hope shared their plans for a ten-hour road trip to bring her to her new family.
Riona’s story is far from over; it’s a new beginning for this resilient dog. Despite the cruelty she endured, her journey towards a loving home is a testament to resilience and compassion.